Swadhisthana - Four Aspects of Balance

Swadhisthana Pendant
There are four aspects related to Swadhisthana that sum up the essence of the Sacral Chakra as the Water element when energy flow is optimized.

Purity - You are established in the state of awareness where all toxins are efficiently neutralized and eliminated.
Nourishment - You are established in the state of awareness where the essence of energy (ojas) strengthens body and mind.
Charm - You are established in the state of awareness where the essence of energy (ojas) magnetizes and attracts loving relationships in all fields of love.
Merging - You are established in the state of awareness where the essence of energy (ojas) seeks union with the spiritual essence of all human beings.

When Swadhisthana is in balance and the energy flow is optimized, each of these states will resonate with you. You will feel clean and strong physically, mentally and emotionally.  You will feel open and committed to healthy relationships in all aspects of your life including personal and professional venues. You will see and feel the connection with others on a spiritual level and spiritual beings within the same vibration.

Now that we know where we want to be, what can we do to get there? Tomorrow’s post will focus on what you can do to activate and balance your Swadhisthana to improve your connection to your emotional identity and to others around you.


Swadhisthana - The Balancing Act


Swadhisthana - What's Flowing?