A Little More about Katrina.

My journey began in 2005. I was miserable. I had surrounded myself with toxic relationships in my work and personal life. I was playing the victim in those circumstances and I was constantly angry…angry at myself, those around me, the whole world in general…I was a mess! I saw an advertisement for a business class at the Women's Business Development Center…something about your business aligning with your soul and I was compelled to take the three session series. That was the beginning of the end…and the start of an amazing transformation!

After that three session series some of the participants and myself formed a group facilitated by the instructor. That group was the catalyst of something very special.

It took over a year for me to come to terms with the masks I was wearing and to discover my authentic self. I finally accepted my self for who I was, shortcomings and all…I had always believed that less than perfection was unacceptable. But I really focused on what I had to offer and discovering my true purpose in life. My true self had always been there but I buried that identity to conform to what I thought others expected. It was time for a change!

I changed my work relationship and severed ties with my business partner of 7 years. I changed my love relationship and ended a very unhealthy 10 year courtship that was doomed from the start. I accepted responsibility for my choices that brought me to that place and rejoiced in the lessons I learned along the way.

Looking back I am truly thankful for the struggles I faced. I jest that it took me 10 years to learn the lessons I needed to be prepared for where I am today, in a healthy, loving relationship doing work that sets my soul on fire with people who appreciate my contributions.

In those struggles I discovered the real lessons that molded me into the person I am today and prepared me to experience true joy in my life. I am bless and I am filled with gratitude.

All of that brought me to embrace my own Radical Authenticity. Numerology opened a door to a whole new world of understanding. The transformation I feel incorporating the energy of the numbers into my daily life is tremendous! And I want that for everyone else too!