What is that Smell?

Isn't that shower floor GORGEOUS?!?!? Honestly, it's like a foot massage just standing in the shower! It's completely dreamy and I love it...except it's a bit of a challenge to keep clean. There are little depressions in the grout so water pools a little here and there...plus, it's a shower so there's soap and stuff. I was using an after shower spray product that some stellar marketing led me to believe was a 'natural' product...which means safe, right? WRONG!!!

Ever since we watched the movie Stink I've been hyper-alert to chemicals hidden in our personal care and household products under the umbrella of 'fragrance'. After I scrubbed the shower floor I wanted to use that spray to prolong the clean...then I took a hard look and did a little research on the ingredients. It is nothing I want to be using in our home...especially where we stand with bare feet! GAKKK!

I decided to add a shower spray to my DIY household product list. Of course I chose Young Living Essential Oils Thieves essential oil blend to help fight the funk. I also added Tea Tree for some extra funk-fighting punch and Citrus Fresh for a little sweetness. I love to pair a citrus oil with Thieves and Citrus Fresh has ALL the citrus!

So, I scoured the shower this morning and applied this spray. I'll give it 2 weeks of spraying down after each use and if it yields acceptable results I'll share the recipe! Keep your fingers crossed for me! I seriously hope this stuff works to keep the shower clean longer!

Cleansing Gemstone Jewelry


Intuition for Inner Healing